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WEEWG Survey on Peer-to-Peer (p2p) Exchange Options

One of the WEEWG-identified activities in 2016 is a Peer-to-Peer Exchange (p2p). This p2p exchange is targeted at those who are seeking answers to questions they have within a project or an organization, and at those who have helpful experiences to share. We envision this as a way for Women's Economic Empowerment Working Group (WEEWG) members to connect with others with specific questions or concerns they are facing, in a low-key way; picture an informal, talking-gender-over-coffee situation.

This could work in a number of ways that are appropriate to your needs. Here’s one scenario: A gender focal point at an organization is having an issue getting gender recognized as a priority for project implementation during the proposal and design phase. She wants to learn how other organizations have done this. She reaches out to someone in the WEEWG who has self-identified as working on the same issue, and asks for a phone call or coffee.  The two share a few ideas and possible next steps, and keep in touch with each other over the next few months. The p2p could offer both subject or activity-related support and guidance: developing tools and resources for gender, gender mainstreaming, buy-in from men, gender and financial inclusion, gender and government policy, etc.

In the survey below, we ask you to identify 2-3 gender issues that you are happy to talk about with other colleagues. We also ask you to identify 2-3 gender issues that you yourself would also like to seek support on from a peer. For more information on each issue, please see the WEEWG Member Day Meeting Notes.

For those interested in a more thorough peer review of materials, the peer review activity under WEEWG can fulfill this need.  The p2p exchange is more informal and discussion-based.
This question requires a valid email address.
2. How many years of experience focusing primarily on gender do you have? *This question is required.
4. Which of the roles do you prefer? *This question is required.
Please select 1-2 topics related to women's economic empowerment on which you would feel comfortable providing a peer with informal support:
Please select 1-2 activities or skills related to women’s empowerment for which you would feel comfortable providing a peer with informal support:
 Please select 1-2 topics related to women's economic empowerment for which you yourself would like to seek support: *This question is required.
5. Please select 1-2 activities or skills related to women’s empowerment for which you yourself would like to seek support: *This question is required.
8. What level of engagement are you looking for from the p2p exchange? *This question is required.
9. How would you like to have your meetings? *This question is required.
10. In which language would you prefer to have your meetings? *This question is required.
12. In submitting this form, I understand that my e-mail address will be added to the SEEP Network mailing list and so receive the SEEP Network newsletter and other mailings. I understand that my e-mail address will not be shared, sold, or used for any other purpose without prior consent, and that I may opt out of SEEP Network mailings at any time. I understand that I can also contact at any time for more information, or to unsubscribe. *This question is required.
Should you have any questions about this form or your subscription to the email list, please email